Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig
I really enjoyed this book. It’s so easy to read that I finished it on my train journey from Bath to Manchester and back (about six hours). It has rave reviews from a number of well known people and has been on the Sunday Times bestseller list for a few months. Actress Joanna Lumley calls…
My Blue Letter Pain
The power of the mind and the role thoughts play in the experience of pain was brought home to me in a dramatic way recently. I am a passionate believer in the fact that every experience you have, your environment, everyone you meet, the people and things around you all affect your feelings of wellbeing…
Making Your Boat Storm Proof
The more I work with clients and talk to people all over the world, the more I realise that no one escapes from life’s challenges. I liken these to storms. Sometimes life’s sea gets a bit choppy, at others a force 12, even a hurricane blows through. We have to stay afloat or sink… Everyone…
Keep your bucket full
I think of life’s energies like a bucket – when you’re under stress that bucket can become very leaky and unless it’s filled you can feel very drained, physically, emotionally and mentally. So the trick is to keep it topped up. You shouldn’t rely on others to top it up. You can keep your own bucket…
Nutrition – fuel your body in the healthiest way
There is a huge amount of contradictory advice out there about nutrition, and as a result many people are confused about what they should and shouldn’t be eating and drinking. Much of the information on social media is developed by celebrities who promote ‘fad diets’ that have no scientific basis but which become hugely popular…
Exercise – moving toward good health
Exercise is good for you – whether you enjoy it or not, there is no getting away from that. In fact, it has been called the ‘miracle cure’ on NHS websites. Recent research has even shown that it is the main approach that really works for arthritis. Exercise helps you to lose weight, improve your…
Loneliness vs Solitude
Feeling lonely can be a miserable experience. It’s also not very healthy. The good news is you can do something about it. American neuroscientist John Cacioppo has been studying the neuroscience of loneliness and found that it is as detrimental to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. You don’t have to be socially isolated…
Be Creative – it will help you in all aspects of life.
Activities you enjoy that are not harmful to others are good for you. Creative activities are of particular benefit because they help you to nurture a healthy brain and a more flexible mind. Real strength lies in flexibility not rigidity. Thinking flexibly enables you to deal with life’s challenges in more innovative, healthy ways. My…